The Car Phone

First Wave Car Telephones
Second Wave Car Telephones

Early Semiconductors Industry
Technology 1946 – 1980
Telecommunication Industry after WWII

Pre Cellular Radio Telephony

Development from 1946 bis 1986

All developments of mobile telephones especially in the seventies and eighties were unthinkable without the advances in electronics especially microelectronics. Therefore it is important to look at the upcoming semiconductors industry that was leading to logic chips, memory chips and finally microprocessors.
Early Semiconductors Industry

The first mobile phones were not yet portable. But they were mobile since they could be installed in cars. The first frequencies for mobile telephony were released in 1948. In Germany, this gave rise to public mobile land radio, later also known as the A-Netz. In this system, calls were still made by hand.
First Wave Car Telephones

In 1947 the transistor was invented. In the 1950 the transistor was manufactured in volume and became cheaper and smaller as a result. Furthermore, in the 1950s and 1960s, logical components emerged in the form of integrated circuits. This allowed complex processes to be implemented in telephones. This created an improved automatic Car Telephone System which no longer required an operator. In Germany this system was Called the B-Netz, in the US Improved Mobile Telephone Service ITMS.
Second Wave Car Telephones